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JEAHIL 2023 19(4)

    Journal of European Association of Health Information Libraries

    Volume 19,  Issue 4 Pages: 2-26. December 2023

    Gualtieri, F., Molinari, S., Truccolo, I., & Formigoni, C. (2023). PubMed, a critical analysis of new features after three years from the launch of the new release. Results from an interactive training course. Journal of EAHIL, 19(4), 7–10.
    Hourlay, L. (2023). Improving the visibility of the institution, researchers, and publications by introducing specific identifiers (PIDs). Journal of EAHIL, 19(4), 2–6.
    Gedik, K. Z. (2023). Cultivating global connections: a journey through US medical libraries with the Cunningham Memorial International Fellowship. Journal of EAHIL, 19(4), 18–20.